111 North Woodfin Avenue, Asheville, NC 28804
From Johnson City, TN it’s approximately 1 hour: Take I-26E towards Asheville. Take Exit 24 (Elk Mountain Road/Woodfin) and follow signs.
From Knoxville, TN it’s approximately 2 hours: Take I-40E towards Asheville. Take I-240W to I-26W to Exit 24 (Elk Mountain Road/Woodfin) and follow signs.
From Greenville, SC it’s approximately 1.25 hours: Take I-26W towards Asheville. Take I-240W to I-26W to Exit 24 (Elk Mountain Road/Woodfin) and follow signs.
From Hickory, NC it’s approximately 1.5 hours: Take I-40W towards Asheville. Take I-240W to I-26W to Exit 24 (Elk Mountain Road/Woodfin) and follow signs.