2021 Hayride on the Rails

We will be having our 5th Annual Hayride on the Rails at the Craggy Mountain Line this year.

Mondays and Fridays will be private charter only. At 4 o’clock on Saturdays we will offer a ticketed train open to the public.

Hayride Times and Group Pricing:
10am; 1pm; 4pm
1 to 4 people $100
5 to 10 people $125
10 to 15 people $150
15 to 25 to people $250

Go to buytickets.at/craggymountainlinerailroad to purchase tickets, or call 828-808-4877 to make a reservation.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone this year and hope everyone is having a happy fall season!


Quick, bright, sharp!

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2021 Hayride on the Rails


Quick, bright, sharp!

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